Enny Purnomo Widhya
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Copyright © 2003, MOCHTAR, KARUWIN & KOMAR

Enny Purnomo Widhya is a partner of the firm specializing in the corporate sector, in a wide variety of M&A work and banking and finance, with a special focus on aircraft financing. Ms. Widhya joined the firm in 1989. Prior to that, she had for 10 years practiced corporate law with another Jakarta law firm.

Ms. Widhya obtained her degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1977 and completed the Notarial Post Graduate study course at the same university. She has also completed course work at Bond University in Australia. Ms. Widhya has completed the Capital Market Legal Consultant program conducted by the Capital Market Institute of Management, Finance and Accountancy in cooperation with the Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants and is a member of the Association of Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultants. She is also a member of the Association of Indonesian Legal Consultants.

Ariani Nugraha
Emir Kusumaatmadja
Enny Purnomo Widhya
Miranti Malikus - Ramadhani
Ahmad S. Djoyosugito
Aka Fajaretta Nurafia
Amanda Prinka Krishnadevi
Amy Septiarini
Ananda Aviati
Cisca Harun
Dian Lindajanti
Dian Octavika Aristyani
Eka Wahyuning Siswani
I Gusti Ngurah Oka Anantajaya
Indajani K. Halim
Lucyana Dela Rosa
Meita Praptono Axioma
Nugrahani Astiyanti
Ratna Mariana
Reza Syarief
Rini Puspadewi Budiman
S Disca Ferli
Sandra Christy Manurung
Chris Naziris
Craig M. Heggie
Karl Sung Shil Park
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