Ariani Nugraha
  Partner  Download Resume

english | indonesian
Copyright © 2003, MOCHTAR, KARUWIN & KOMAR

Ariani Nugraha is a partner, having been with the firm since its founding in 1971. She concentrates on the areas of foreign investment, general corporate matters, including corporate restructuring and reorganization, project financing, real estate, M&A, capital markets , mining and telecommunications. She is a regular contributor of Telecommunications Newsletter issued at the website of the International Law Office, London.

Ariani Nugraha obtained her law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 1970. In 1973 she worked as a visiting associate in the Los Angeles, California offices of Paul Hastings Janofsky and Walker. In 1974, she completed a Tax Consultant Program at the Trisakti University, Jakarta.

Ariani Nugraha is licensed as a Capital Markets Legal Consultant. She is a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI), the Association of Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultants (HKHPM) and the Association of Indonesian Legal Consultants (AKHI). She is also a sworn translator.

Ariani Nugraha
Emir Kusumaatmadja
Enny Purnomo Widhya
Miranti Malikus - Ramadhani
Ahmad S. Djoyosugito
Aka Fajaretta Nurafia
Amanda Prinka Krishnadevi
Amy Septiarini
Ananda Aviati
Cisca Harun
Dian Lindajanti
Dian Octavika Aristyani
Eka Wahyuning Siswani
I Gusti Ngurah Oka Anantajaya
Indajani K. Halim
Lucyana Dela Rosa
Meita Praptono Axioma
Nugrahani Astiyanti
Ratna Mariana
Reza Syarief
Rini Puspadewi Budiman
S Disca Ferli
Sandra Christy Manurung
Chris Naziris
Craig M. Heggie
Karl Sung Shil Park
Richard L. Weiss